

Saturday 6 February 2016

The reflection of God’s love in your face

In the Hebrew Scriptures story of Moses coming down Mount Sinai following the renewal of the covenant with the Lord it is written that, “his face shone because he had been talking with God.” It is an interesting story, as we ponder what it means for Moses to encounter the living God. We are invited to reflect on how Moses is changed by that encounter, and what that change means for the people of Israel. 

In fact, the writer of Exodus informs us of one of the most direct consequences of Moses’ conversation with the Lord: “When Aaron and all the Israelites saw Moses, the skin of his face was shining, and they were afraid to come near him.” It was an awesome thing to speak to God face-to-face, and those who gazed upon Moses realized that the transforming presence of the Lord had touched Moses’ life in a powerful way. In fact, due to the reflection of God’s glory that was evident on Moses’ face, Moses would sometimes put a veil upon his face.

Probably what was being emphasized by the writers of the Hebrew scriptures was that Moses literally reflects the glory of God as he seeks to share the words of the renewed covenant with them. It is almost as if Moses is lit from within, radiating the divine presence of love, power, and grace. Those who speak with God, who enter into the divine presence, emerge from that encounter changed forever. What a wonderful gift Moses and the people received at the base of Mount Sinai. 

Yet, this story is not simply something that took place long ago and far away. We can still see the glory of God reflected in the face of others. I see the glory of God in the aged, wrinkled face of a person in a rest Home. Her mind is not as sharp as it used to be due to the ravages of dementia, but her heart remains full of the love of God. She walks the hallways, offering a kind word or a hug to the residents and staff members alike. She speaks of each day as a gift of God, and views each person she meets as someone the Lord has given her to love. Her face radiates the glory of God. You can see it in the shine of her eyes and the warmth of her smile.

I have seen the glory of God in a Sunday school teacher. She prepares her lessons faithfully each week. She seeks to understand not only the biblical text, but also the ways it intersects with life today. She reads the Scriptures and the commentaries, as well as the newspapers and current novels. She offers her insights with confidence, and welcomes the questions and the conversation that follow. She remembers in prayer the needs expressed during the sharing time at the beginning of the lesson. She calls and checks on those who are ill, or those who are struggling with problems. She helps build up the body of Christ through her faithful sharing of the Word. Her face shines with the glory of God. You can see it in her brow furrowed in concentration, and her hands folded in prayer. All of these, and many more like them, have been a means of grace in my life.

They reflect God’s glory to me. I can see that they have been in the presence of the loving God, parent to us all, and their presence helps mediate God’s presence to me. Like Moses, they are initially unaware that their faces are shining, but they are shining brightly. They teach me daily about the ways God’s love can be communicated through my life. My prayer is that I might, like these, be a means of reflecting God’s glory to those I encounter each day.

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