

Saturday, 4 March 2017


Temptation is such a loaded word. When I was growing up, I viewed temptation as one of those nasty things you didn’t talk about in mixed company. It was as if, in the act of being tempted, a person was already in sin, already turning away from God. Resisting temptation involved thinking “pure” thoughts and avoiding media that dealt with “certain subjects.” Living in a lower socioeconomic suburb, I always wondered if it was easier for those living in the middle-class type areas or the wealthy areas if it would be easy to distance oneself from temptation as I understood it.

Don’t get me wrong I was ignorant of the realities and thought those people in middle class and above suburbs were more comfortable, secure, naïve, and sheltered. I had no idea what their temptations might have been. I wondered if I was in their situation whether temptation would have very little opportunity to get at me. But I have noticed that in life, the life I grew up in, that external influences got more insistent. Today, I know of no means for avoiding external temptation in daily life whether I be rich or I be poor.

We are bombarded by it every moment of every day in television, movie product placement, pop-up ads, billboards, website banners. Use this product and you will have friends, mates, wealth, happiness. Take this pill, and you will be thin, fit, healthy. And it’s about more than advertising, of course. For our consumerist society to succeed, we are told we must give in to temptation. If we don’t, the economy will suffer, people will lose their jobs, and the stock market will crash.

So, what is the difference between the first humans and Jesus? What is the difference between myself or those who lived in so called better suburbs and Jesus? Why did they give in? Why do we give in? Why could he resist, and how can we? As we grow in experience and understanding, we learn that resisting temptation is more about being present in our choices than it is about fighting external influence. The first humans reacted to pretty fruit and ate; Jesus considered alternatives, and made conscious choices. 

The Holy Spirit works is in our lives to help us to respond rather than react, to make space in our hearts and brains for more informed decision making about purchasing, relationships, lifestyle, love, and service. Now back to my favourite topic and that is Love – God’s love. We are called to not let Evil set the agenda otherwise we set God aside. Remember and it is true for me God's one agenda is: LOVE. Not, finally, our satisfaction, our convenience, or our safety. Not even the satisfaction, convenience, or safety of God's beloved Son. The agenda is just LOVE. What we are finally to do is what we have been commanded by every messenger the God has ever sent.

Jesus said it best, "Love God with all that you are, and your neighbours as yourself. Love your enemies. Pray for those who abuse you." Temptations will come because God gave us the wonderful gift of freewill (but that is another topic). Sometimes I wonder if temptations show us the barren wildernesses in our lives where love is thin or perhaps non-existent.

The wilderness will always ask us to face reality and make our response. Often, the process will feel evil to us. It will seem that way because the choice between our own preferences and the possibility of grace is so plain. The good news one could say is that the angels are waiting for us to get on with it so that they can come to us suddenly, just as they came to Jesus.

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