As we prepare to visit Vietnam for a couple of weeks and I am unsure if I will be able to put up a blog I began to think about agriculture, Jesus and parables instead of our reliance on technology etc. Maybe it had something to do with the importance of wherever you go of food production and how that every day life relates to our inner life. It is often from images of creation that we get insights to strengthen our inner journey and put us in touch with our spiritual journey.
Jesus taught the crowds using parables. In our parables for this week
from Mark 4, we see that Jesus used every day agricultural language to talk
about God. In the first parable, he speaks of someone scattering seeds and
watching them begin to grow. If you have ever planted a vegetable garden, you
know how amazing it is to watch how the seeds come up, begin to grow, and
eventually produce a harvest. It is something I had the joy of when younger and
my father set aside part of our quarter acre section for each of us to plant
and grow.
We don't know exactly why it grows or how it grows, but somehow the earth
produces the harvest, and we are able to reap what was sown. In the second
parable, Jesus speaks of a mustard seed. It is the smallest of all seeds on
earth, and so some might expect that the harvest from the smallest seed would
be very small as well. However, Jesus says that from the smallest seed, the
mustard bush becomes one of the greatest of all shrubs. It puts forth large
branches and all of the birds of the air make nests from its shade.
We also her that Jesus explained in private. If we could have access to
the private explanations Jesus gave to the disciples, surely there would be
less confusion and more understanding. If we could just have a private tutoring
session with Jesus, wouldn't we understand God's hopes and dreams for us just a
little better? Since we don't have access to the private meetings where Jesus
"explained everything," we simply do our best with the help of the
Holy Spirit.
Pentecost suggests to us that the Holy Spirit is present and active in
our world. God does not abandon God's people, and the Holy Spirit is always
available to us. Christians believe that the Holy Spirit gives us power to do
ministry in Jesus' name and to speak the truth about God's love. In these two
seed parables, we learn about that which seems to have been the most important
topic for Jesus, the kingdom of God.
First, we learn that there is mystery to the kingdom. Some of us do not
like mystery in our lives. We want order and structure, and we want to be in
control. However, we are reminded that God is sovereign and works in God's own
way and timing. While we may see in other teachings that God desires for
humanity to join in God's efforts, this particular parable suggests that even
if humanity is oblivious to what's going on around them, God is still at work.
A second thing we can learn about the kingdom of God is that God's
workings may appear to be small and insignificant, but like a mustard seed, the
kingdom will grow in significant ways. When we sing Handel's "Hallelujah
Chorus," we affirm that the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdom
of God. God's kingdom will reign supreme, and we will experience life as God
Finally, we also learn that Jesus doesn't force feed us. Instead, he
gives us as much as we can understand at this point in our lives. That is good
news for humans, who are not perfect and who often are slow to understand. God
gives us just what we need for each day and situation. Though we may not get the
full picture or the deepest understandings that day, we catch glimpses of God's
kingdom and that is enough.
Just like the Israelites had to learn that lesson over and over as they
wandered in the wilderness we seem to need the same. God will provide for our
daily needs. We just have to trust and be open to receiving that blessing.
Internally, we may also see that God grants us things beyond our physical
needs—like grace, comfort, and peace. How thankful we are for a God who
provides just what we need through kingdom seeds!
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