“Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s.” These words of Jesus from this week’s lectionary readings in Matthew 25:15-23, have become a sort of proverb both in the secular and religious worlds, and those who know little of scripture may still have heard “Render unto Caesar.” Yet, digging beneath the surface of this short encounter helps uncover some of the deeper currents in the exchange.
For me it’s an interesting
combination of people that approach Jesus and Matthew tells us that the
Pharisees come together with the Herodians. The Pharisees did not want to give
money to their pagan oppressors and so were opposed to paying taxes to Rome. On
the other hand, King Herod’s position of power came courtesy of the Romans, so
even though the taxes were widely considered to be oppressive, the Herodians
had a vested interest in keeping the Roman taxes paid. Therefore, the Pharisees
and the Herodians each reflected one of the horns of the dilemma in the trap
which the question to Jesus set out enmesh him in.
So, we have then the question,
“Is it lawful to pay taxes to the Emperor or not?” The reference is to Jewish
Law, which is also called the Law of Moses. Clearly, it was lawful to pay the
tax by Rome’s standards; the question was whether it was proper for the Hebrew
people to do so.
When Jesus asks for a
Denarius, one is quickly located and handed to him. Jesus then asks the
question that everyone in Israel could have answered without a coin in hand. In
our reading for this week the New Revised Standard Version, translation states,
“Whose head is this and whose title?” However, it is probably better to use the
translation “likeness,” instead of title. When they answer Jesus’ question,
saying that the image and likeness are “Caesar’s,” Jesus replies that they are
to give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar. Give Caesar back those things that
are Caesar’s. It is his coin anyway, who cares if you give Caesar back his coin
for the tax?
Then Jesus gives the most amazing line of this short encounter when he continues by saying that we are to “give back to God the things that are God’s.” It leaves everyone calculating what exactly is God’s that we are supposed to give back. And in case you were wondering, the clue was the word “icon” or “image” and the word “likeness.”
The principle really is
this: Just as the coin has Caesar’s icon on it, so it is Caesar’s, we who
believe in the one God believe we are
made in the image and likeness of God, so we are God’s. Jesus affirmed the tax
while making it all but irrelevant. He then implies that, though we do owe the
state, there are limits to what we owe. Yet, Jesus places no limits regarding
what we owe to God. Jesus is very clear that everything you have and everything
you are is God’s already.
While this would
certainly apply to the money you make, the formula is not that you give 100
percent of your income to God, for God knows you need the money for the
necessities of life. The teaching is that once you have given God some of the
money you earn, don’t feel that you have bought off an obligation. God wants to
share in some of your time and energy, so the 100 percent formula relates to
your calendar as well as your wallet.
The point is that you
have been made in the image and likeness of God. God loves you. God keeps your
picture in the divine wallet and on the heavenly refrigerator. Jesus did not
care about the tax, for his real concern was that you live into the image and
likeness of the God who lovingly created you.
You begin to live into the image and likeness of God by conforming your life to be more like Jesus’ life.
To live more fully into
that image and likeness of God that is in you, give back your heart to God –
for it is God’s anyway. In answer to the question, “What are the things that
are God’s which we are to give back to God?” the answer is, “You.”
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