There are many challenges to
churches today: Some are small and struggling, hoping to grow and not finding
their numbers increasing. Others have congregations where there is barely a
spattering of people under 75 years of age. Others have problems finding
qualified clergy or raising enough money in pledges to balance the budget.
Others have significant repairs to do on their buildings and lack the funds for
the project. And some are in conflict with broken relationships in need of
The scripture readings set in
the three year lectionary for this week address the conditions in which so many
churches find themselves. In the Isaiah 62 passage, for example, the community
had been in exile and lost its vision and focus. Some countries seem to have
elected governments that have lost their way and any vision that benefits the
whole of creation. The promise of God's restoration spoken by the prophet in
those majestic phrases could well be for today's struggling churches: "You
shall no more be termed, Forsaken, and your land shall no more be termed
Desolate" (Isaiah 62:4). The theme of hope when there seems to be nothing
but a failing future is strong in these passages, and it is a stirring piece of
prophecy for all who lose hope.
Whereas, St Paul, in
Corinthians, takes another tack which is one that is a hopeful sign to churches
that are feeling bereft. He says there are a variety of gifts for building up
the Body (the Church) distributed by the Spirit. All gifts are needed, and every
person is gifted for service. In the Gospel from John 2, Jesus goes to a
country wedding and takes the ordinary (water) and transforms it into very good
wine. When things seemed to be running out, when there was scarcity about to
spoil a very good time, abundance took its place and the feasting went on.
In our society let alone in
our religious organisations we are plagued by scarcity. There is never enough,
and another group often seems to have all the blessings while ours has the
leftovers. The things that will meet the needs of all humanity seem to be held
in the hands of a few and only doled out in meagre amounts at a high cost to
the receiver. Yet, if God can take a group of exiles and restore them to
greatness, and if ordinary people are gifted by the Holy Spirit with what it
takes to be the Church, then how can we dare say we do not have enough without
insulting God's promise?
Throughout the world people
are building faith communities and communities with nothing in terms of wealth.
They succeed because these people have caught the spirit of the Gospel where
God will use what appears to be the lowly and unimportant to accomplish it. So,
if you are waiting for better days in the world and especially in the church
know that they have come. If you are waiting until the right leader appears
know that the time is now. If you are feeling low because of the things you
don't have, take an inventory of the assets you have. Most people are surprised
when they discover the talent that is there and the resources that are at their
The transformation of the
lives of women and men is not expensive in terms of the world; and in God's
economy, it is free. Our task is to lay aside the things that daunt us, make us
afraid and captive to scarcity. Putting on the garment of light in Epiphany
means moving into a sharing mode now. So, rejoice with Isaiah that God finds
your community or church worthy of delight. Celebrate the gifts given you by
the Spirit to move forward in life. Vow to be part of the work of the Gospel
which transforms water into wine and God's people into a holy communion of
faithful people.
Once there was a church that
began to say it was dying and in many churches this is being faced. Some of its
members had moved away in a very short time. Other members had become unhappy
and quit coming. There was a faithful core, but they were burned out from
assuming the many duties of running the church with fewer folk to help. One
woman spoke for many at the annual meeting when she said, "If we don't do
something there's going to be a funeral -- mine!"
Three people in the congregation
decided to pray daily for renewal and growth. At the end of a year they
discovered that there were six more people in the congregation, there was a
vision about starting a day care for those in a low socioeconomic people and a
person who had agreed to run it and there was a new sense of energy among them.
Now for many congregations this may not mean doing things as they once did or
even having a church building. For many it will mean listening for where our
God wants us to be and where our God offers resurrection.
At meeting they asked to
speak to the assembly and told the people not to give up hope. They believed
God was waiting for them to realize they had to be dependent on God's grace
alone before they could be renewed, and they testified that their faithful
prayer had been answered.
"When the wine gave out,
the mother of Jesus said, 'They have no wine.' Jesus said to them, 'Fill the
jars with water.' “If the Lord can take what we have as abundance to make what
is needed all we need to do is ask, and abundance is ours to behold and taste.
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