Get yourself a cup and ball
and maybe have some paper in the bottom. By the way the Ball needs to be small
enough to put in the cup or use a container that will take the ball easy. Get
someone to watch you very carefully. Then what you do is drop the ball into the
cup. Tell your assistant that you are going to drop this ball into the cup. Make
sure they are ready and watching. Drop ball in cup. Then ask your assistant which
parts of your body you had to use to drop the ball in the cup, (Hands, eyes, brain).
Could you have done it with your eyes closed? What if you didn’t have any
hands? What if your brain wasn’t working right? By now you realise that you
need everything working correctly to make the ball go into the cup.
This week our reading from St
Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, chapter 12 talks about how all of us are like
a body. We all do special jobs, and together we get things done. For instance,
which people on any Sunday at worship are important in making the church
worship work? Some of those involved include the minister, greeters, readers,
intercessors, musician(s), children, the congregation, the stewards and if
there is to be Holy Communion someone to get things ready, flower people and so
on.) All of these people have their special part to play in making the worship
of God work on any Sunday and whenever worship is held.
All of us have special
talents and abilities to use to share with others which reflect the story of Jesus
and God’s great love through his son. Think about the workings of your hands.
We can talk about the fingers and the thumb needing to work together to pick up
a coin or food. We all have gifts and we help make our community work by using
our gifts. In the Church we Christians use our gifts also to let others know
about God’s love and grace through his son Jesus.
All of our gifts are
important and I bet you that you have a gift that you can use. A gift to help
you help others in the making of a working community. Maybe today at your
family meal you could talk with your family about the gifts that you have for
sharing with each other and making the household work. Again for Christian we
can talk about how we use our gifts to share about God’s love and his son
Jesus. Christians talk of their faith as being of the body of Christ and
individually members of it. Each one of us is a part of that body. This body
would not work without you, or without all of you. Everyone in this community
today is very important part of the body especially of creation.
In a lively community of
caring people and especially in a caring group of Christians there are many
functions shared among those who make up the community. One member can speak in
a way that conveys profound things straight to the soul. Another has a gift of
helping and caring for people and bringing hope to those who suffer. Yet
another can explain ideas with such wisdom that it infuses a new, vital
strength into our faith.
Still others can have the
ability to organise, and another the gift of leading, while another has an
understanding of people that is the source of deep consolation for many
troubled hearts. You may have seen all this, and yet the one thing that strikes
us in such a community is the presence of one spirit in all of them that ties
it all together. Since for Christians the gifts are varied expressions of the
one Holy Spirit, who distributes them freely, then it is unthinkable that they
may be at odds with one another – they are called to and meant to act in
The gifts that are given I
have learned, are not meant for personal satisfaction, their purpose is to
serve. They are given for the benefit of all, that the fellowship of believers
may be extended and encouraged in love. Such gifts cannot give rise to rivalry
or disorder. While St Paul considers that there are certain special gifts which
affect the life of the community as such, he also tells us that each member has
particular gifts for the good of all. Therefore each of us need to be content
and thankful for the gifts that our loving God has given to us.
St Paul in this scripture
reading from 1 Corinthians 12 presents the community as a body, and asks, “If
your whole body was just one eye, how would you hear anything? If it was an ear,
how would you see anything? Instead of that, God put all the separate parts
into the body on purpose. If all the parts are the same then how can it be a
body? If you do not seem called to some special task, do not underestimate what
God is actually asking you to do in the community or neighbourhood where you
are. No matter that the daily grind may seem monotonous and not very
meaningful, we all belong to the whole body by belonging to that place. God has
chosen this for us and calls us with great love.
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